How Long After Taking Pepto-Bismol Can I Drink Water?

Pepto-Bismol Poured into a spoon

In this article, the pharmacist answers the question “How long after taking pepto-bismol can I drink water”. And also clarifies if taking too much water has any bearing on the effectiveness of Pepto-Bismol. 

Key points

  • It is entirely safe to drink water immediately after or while taking Pepto-Bismol. There is no documented evidence suggesting that water consumption diminishes the effectiveness of this drug. 
  • There is no specific waiting period required before drinking water after taking Pepto-Bismol. Water can be taken with or immediately after the medication, and this will not negatively impact its effectiveness. 
  • Regardless of the dosage form(chewable tablet, tablet, Liquicap, or liquid); water can actually help in getting the drug into the stomach effectively. 
  • Diarrhea leads to fluid and electrolyte loss, and drinking water is vital for preventing dehydration. 
  • It is recommended to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily during diarrhea, with additional water intake after each loose bowel movement to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance.

Overview of Pepto-Bismol

Pepto-Bismol is a popular over-the-counter medication used to treat diarrhea, heartburn, and upset stomach.

It contains the compound Bismuth subsalicylate as an active ingredient. Pepto-Bismol is effective in stopping diarrhea including traveler’s diarrhea. 

It takes between 30 to 60 minutes for its desired effect to be felt. But when it eventually happens, these effects can last for up to 4 hours.

Is It Safe to Drink Water After Taking Pepto-Bismol?

Pepto-Bismol Liquid

Yes, it is very safe to drink water immediately after or while taking Pepto-Bismol as there’s no documented evidence that water consumption decreases the effectiveness of the drug.

In fact, depending on the dosage form taken, drinking water can help to push the drug down into your system. For example, in cases of chewable tablets.

You may need to drink enough water to rinse every particle of the drug off your mouth and then swallow it to get it down your stomach for absorption.

In the case of tablets or caplets, you actually need to swallow them whole with water. And then drink enough water after that to wash it down your throat into your stomach.

As for the liquid formulations, you do not have to dilute it with water since it’s already liquid. Just drink the recommended volume.

After that, you can take some water to rinse your mouth and wash down every particle of the drugs that stuck to your oral cavity. However, do not combine Pepto-Bismol with other drugs that contain chemically similar ingredients such as Alka-Seltzer.

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How Long After Taking Pepto-Bismol Can I Drink Water?

You can take water with or immediately after taking Pepto-Bismol. There’s no need for you to wait before taking water because the drug itself can be taken with or without food, and water and other fluids can also be drunk.

There’s no documented interaction between Pepto-Bismol and water. Hence, drinking water immediately after taking it or taking it with water will not negatively affect its effectiveness. Rather, it is actually encouraged because it is not only safe but also very beneficial.

Why Should You Drink Plenty of Water While Taking Pepto-Bismol?

Woman Sitting in Bedroom By Window and Drinking Water from Carafe

There are quite a handful of reasons why you need to drink a lot of water while being on Pepto-Bismol. Some of these reasons pertain to the drug itself while others are in relation to the condition being treated.

Depending on the dosage form of Pepto-Bismol you took, you may need to drink some water to actually get as much of it as possible into your stomach. This is most applicable to chewable tablets whereby you need to rinse the particles on your tongue and mouth and then swallow them.

The tablets, caplets, and Liquicaps also require you to take them with water. Trying to swallow either of them without any form of fluid may cause the med to get stuck in your throat or linger around your esophagus.

This can create a very uncomfortable feeling, triggering or worsening your nausea. And ultimately defeat the main purpose of taking the drug in the first place. So, you have to take the tablets, caplets, and Liquicaps whole and with a sufficient amount of water.

The same concept applies to the liquid form of this drug. Liquid Pepto-Bismol is a suspension. It consists of solid particles of the active ingredient suspended in a Liquid. 

This necessitates the need for you to shake the bottle to allow for even distribution of the drug particles before taking it. Drinking water after taking liquid Pepto-Bismol will help wash any particles off your tongue and mouth. Swallowing them will get the particles into your system.

Apart from the reasons that have to do with the drug itself. Drinking plenty of water is also advised if you are taking Pepto Bismol for diarrhea. 

Why You Need to Drink Plenty of Water While Taking Pepto-Bismol for Diarrhea

When you have diarrhea, you lose a lot of fluids and electrolytes. The body needs these fluids and electrolytes for proper functioning.

Water contains some electrolytes and drinking plenty of it helps to replenish the lost fluids and electrolytes.

Can I Take Pepto-Bismol and Alka-Seltzer? | Is It Safe?

Failure to drink sufficient amounts of water when having diarrhea can lead to dehydration. A state where your body does not have enough fluid to function properly. Dehydration can be quite dangerous, especially in children and the elderly. 

It can cause dry mouth, thirst, dark urine, fatigue, dizziness, and confusion.

In severe cases where appropriate and timely intervention is not done, it can lead to kidney failure, seizures, and even death.

To prevent dehydration, you must rehydrate yourself effectively.

It is recommended that you drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water or clear fluids daily during the diarrheal period. 

Also, drinking at least 1 cup (240 milliliters) of water every time you have a loose bowel movement can also help in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in your body system.

Apart from water, other fluids you can also take to curtail the effect of excessive fluid loss include vegetable or chicken broth, oral rehydration solution (ORS), coconut water, sports drinks, and juices.

It is important to avoid drinks with high sugar content, such as fruit juices and soda, as they can worsen diarrhea.

Final Thoughts

It is safe to drink water after taking Pepto-Bismol. Also, you don’t have to wait for any amount of time after taking Pepto before you can drink water. It is recommended that you drink as much water as possible if you have diarrhea, in order to prevent dehydration due to fluid loss.


  1. NHS UK. (2022, August 3). How and when to take Pepto-Bismol. Retrieved November 14, 2023, from
  2. Westphalen, D. (2023). Pepto-Bismol: What to Know. Healthline. Retrieved November 14, 2023, from
  3. Procter & Gamble. (2023). FAQ. Pepto-Bismol. Retrieved November 14, 2023, from
  4. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. (2023). Travelerā€™s diarrhea diet. Mount Sinai. Retrieved November 14, 2023, from

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About the Pharmacist

Pharm. John Mark (BPharm) is a licensed pharmacist with over 6 years of experience spanning clinical, community, and hospital pharmacy settings.

His wealth of experience and expertise makes him your knowledgeable and go-to source for all pharmacy and medication-related questions.

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