Can you take Benzonatate and Prednisone? (+5 Safety Tips)


Assuming that a drug when taken with another will not produce any harmful effect is dangerous. Even if it is safe, it is also important to verify if the effect of one drug may reduce or neutralize the effect of the other drug.

In this article, the pharmacist will inform you if it is safe, beneficial, or harmful to take Benzonatate and Prednisone together.

Key points

  • Benzonatate and prednisone can be safely taken together, as they do not interact with each other.
  • Benzonatate treats coughs while prednisone treats inflammation and allergies. They have different uses.

Can you take Benzonatate and Prednisone?

Yes, benzonatate and prednisone can be safely taken together because they do not interact with each other. The two drugs belong to different drug classes with different mechanisms of action and also different uses.

Taking either of them will not prevent the other from working nor will it increase its risk of side effects. In fact, you can benefit from using the two together if your cough is a result of inflammation. An example of such a condition is bronchitis whereby the airways get inflamed, resulting in cough symptoms.

Benzonatate is usually prescribed by a doctor to treat coughs, especially persistent ones that produce little or no mucus (unproductive cough) whereas, Prednisone is used to treat various allergic conditions that can be caused by sensitivity of the body’s immune system to agents that it (immune system) considers harmful.

Benzonatate has a limited use while prednisone has a very wide range of conditions it can be used to treat. So using both drugs together in appropriate situations is beneficial.

About Benzonatate

Benzonatate is commonly marketed as Tessalon Perles. It is used to treat cough and works by suppressing the reflex that makes you cough.

Benzonatate is usually prescribed by a doctor so it is important you use it as prescribed.

Side Effects of Benzonatate

Benzonatate even when used as prescribed can still cause some side effects. Notable ones include:

  • Dizziness
  • Sedation
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Runny nose

Benzonatate should be avoided in children below the age of 10 years. So, it is important that you keep the drug away from the reach of toddlers as accidental ingestion can be very dangerous. Benzonatate is also not recommended in pregnant women.

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When you take the Tessalon perles capsules you should swallow it whole with water. You should not suck or chew the drug because this makes you more prone to its side effects.

Usually, benzonatate is given 100mg- 200mg three times daily in both adults and children above 10 years of age

About Prednisone

Prednisone is a kind of steroid ( a corticosteroid). Prednisone is what is referred to as a prodrug. A prodrug is a drug that is broken down in the body to its active form. The active form of Prednisone is prednisolone.

Prednisone works by reducing inflammations (a kind of swelling) and associated immune sensitivity caused by exposure of the body to allergens (substances in the environment) that cause allergic reactions. 

Prednisone can be used to treat allergic rhinitis, a condition where you sneeze with a runny and stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes. This condition can be chronic or acute. In both cases, prednisone can be effective.

Also, if you’re asthmatic your doctor could prescribe prednisone to help manage your asthmatic attacks. Also, COPD sufferers could be given prednisone.

In urticaria (hives) and other skin reactions that have been confirmed by your dermatologist to be caused by allergens, prednisone could be prescribed. 

Due to the special ways prednisone works in the body, it can be used to manage different disease states. For example, if you have a disease like rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor could prescribe prednisone. Some cancer treatments require the use of prednisone.

Side effects of Prednisone

Prednisone could cause different side effects in different people. Actively report any side effects you experience while using prednisone. Some common side effects include (but not limited to);

  • Indigestion and ulcerations in the digestive system
  • Weakness of the bone and muscles
  • Weight gain
  • Hormonal irregularities 
  • Mood disturbances and Insomnia
  • Glaucoma
  • Hypersensitivity 

Prednisone should be used only as recommended by your doctor and keep to additional advice provided by your pharmacist while using prednisone to reduce your risk of having these or other side effects.

Unless otherwise recommended, prednisone should not be used in pregnancy.

Safety tips when taking Benzonatate and Prednisone

  1. You should avoid alcohol usage as this could increase the very harmful side effects of both Prednisone and Benzonatate
  2. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking Benzonatate due to the side effects like dizziness that follow its use.
  3. Do not suddenly stop taking prednisone if you have been using them for a long period as this could cause a resurgence of allergic symptoms
  4. If you have any infection or new disease condition, inform your doctor if you are regularly using prednisone
  5. If you use prednisone regularly, and in high doses inform your doctor before taking live virus vaccines.
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Final thoughts

There is no known drug-drug interaction between Benzonatate and Prednisone, so it is safe to use both drugs together. However, you should follow the safety tips provided for optimal health benefits. As always, seeking professional advice from your doctor or pharmacist before using drugs or combining them even with over-the-counter medications is paramount


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About the Pharmacist

Pharm. John Mark (BPharm) is a licensed pharmacist with over 6 years of experience spanning clinical, community, and hospital pharmacy settings.

His wealth of experience and expertise makes him your knowledgeable and go-to source for all pharmacy and medication-related questions.

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