Can You Crush A Plan B Pill? (+ Better Alternative Method)

Plan B one step

Some tablets can be so big that swallowing them becomes a struggle. In cases like this, people tend to either split them into 2 or crush them up altogether. 

However, not all pills are designed to be split or crushed. Crushing such tablets can alter how they work, which can make the medication ineffective. In this article, the pharmacist will explain if it’s okay to crush a Plan B pill before taking it.

Key points

  • Crushing or chewing Plan B pills is not recommended as it can reduce effectiveness and increase side effects. 
  • Plan B should be taken as soon as possible within 72 hours after unprotected sex, following recommended directions to swallow the tablet whole with water. 
  • When taken correctly, Plan B can reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy by up to 87%.

Reasons Why People Crush Pills

a woman sitting on a couch looking at her cell phone

The most common reason why people resort to crushed pills is difficulty in swallowing them whole. This difficulty can be a result of a medical condition such as dysphagia or a physical obstruction to the esophagus.

The size of the pill itself can also hinder its intake as unusually large pills are difficult to swallow when compared to sizable ones. 

Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting can also contribute to the crushing of pills. They are also a common reason why people have to repeat doses of a drug.

In the case of an emergency contraceptive like Plan B where urgency is of great essence. The pressure to get the drug into the body and to also keep it in mounts high. 

This can make people want to modify it by crushing or even thinking of dissolving it in water like an Alka-Seltzer tablet.

So, while the reasoning for having a pill reduced to a powder form to aid ingestion is understandable, it may sometimes come with a significant risk. 

Can you crush a plan b pill?

mortar and pestle for crushing tablets

No, it is not recommended to crush up a Plan B pill. Doing so can alter the absorption and efficacy of the drug. It can also increase the likelihood of side effects such as nausea and vomiting. 

This can make it difficult to keep the drug in the stomach long enough for complete absorption to take place. If the active hormone which is levonorgestrel is not absorbed in sufficient amounts to prevent ovulation, unintended pregnancy may occur.

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Also, vomiting within 2 hours after taking Plan B will require you to take another dose. 

The trouble associated with keeping the drug in the system is just one among the list of things that could go wrong if you crush Plan B.

In pharmaceutical sciences, there is something called pharmacokinetics. This term describes the processes a drug undergoes from the site of administration to the site where it acts. It commonly depicts what the body does to the drug.

Pharmacokinetics includes 4 major processes namely: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME). Crushing a pill can alter the progression of the drug through these 4 processes.

A crushed pill may adhere to surfaces within the body thereby limiting the amount that is available for absorption into the blood. The active drug can also be exposed to the actions of enzymes which could cause their inactivation or breakdown.

Certain pills that are specially designed to release the active drug in a certain way may get altered. This can seriously alter the effectiveness of the drug while also putting you in harm’s way. 

The Recommended Way of Taking Plan B

Woman Sitting in Bedroom By Window and Drinking Water from Carafe

Manufacturers recommend that you swallow the pill whole with water. It is not to be crushed, cut, or dissolved in water before taking. 

Plan B should be taken within 72 hours after an instance of unprotected sex. When taken within this time frame, it reduces the risk of pregnancy by 87% and could go as high as 95% if taken immediately or within 24 hours after unprotected intercourse.

If vomiting occurs within 2 hours after taking the pill, you have to take another dose again. This will help eliminate any risk of contraceptive failure due to insufficient doses in the blood.

If swallowing the tablet whole proves very difficult. You can try using the Pop-bottle method of swallowing tablets. All you need for this method is a bottle of water and your Plan B tablet. 

To do this, simply place the tablet on your tongue and then wrap your lips tightly around the opening of the bottle. Then suck the water out of the bottle and then swallow the tablet along with it. If done correctly, you should feel the bottle squeeze in as you suck out the water and swallow the tablet.

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If this still doesn’t solve your problem, you may need to see your doctor for a switch to another method of contraception which do not require the swallowing of pills. 

Examples include the use of intrauterine devices (IUD), vaginal rings, hormonal patches, etc. These options provide a long-term solution to unintended pregnancy.

But since you are in an emergency situation, you have to try your best to swallow the pill whole within 72 hours. If your inability to swallow a pill is due to a medical condition, you need to seek professional care to avoid future occurrences.

Final Thoughts

Crushing or chewing a Plan B tablet contradicts the official usage guidelines and risks compromising its safety and effectiveness at preventing pregnancy after sex. To gain the full benefit of this drug, you have to swallow the tablet whole with water.


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About the Pharmacist

Pharm. John Mark (BPharm) is a licensed pharmacist with over 6 years of experience spanning clinical, community, and hospital pharmacy settings.

His wealth of experience and expertise makes him your knowledgeable and go-to source for all pharmacy and medication-related questions.

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