Can You Dissolve Plan B In Water? (+2 Better Methods)

plan b one step

Having to push down a pill with a gulp of water can be quite problematic at times. This often warrants improvising the method of getting the drug into the system. 

Some people would resort to crushing, splitting, or dissolving the pill while others would substitute water with other fluids like juice, applesauce, milk, etc. But can you dissolve Plan B in water? Would this affect the effectiveness of the drug? 

Let’s find out what the pharmacist has to say about the effect this would have on the pill and your contraception aim. 

Key points

  • Dissolving Plan B tablet in water is not recommended, as it can interfere with the proper absorption and workings of the active hormone present in it.
  • Orally taken medications undergo a complex journey involving dissolution, uptake, distribution to tissues, metabolism, and elimination from the body. Altering an oral tablet may disrupt those vital kinetic processes.
  • Two evidence-based techniques – the “lean-forward” and “pop-bottle” methods can assist patients in swallowing intact oral medications easily. 

Can You Dissolve Plan B One-Step In Water?

No, you should not dissolve Plan B in water or any other liquid because it can alter the absorption and effectiveness of the drug. Plan B contains the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel which should be taken orally by swallowing the tablet whole. 

Dissolving the pill could lead to an incorrect dosage being available for absorption into the blood. This can either lead to reduced effectiveness or overall failure in contraceptive effect. The manufacturers of Plan B recommend that the tablet be swallowed whole with water. 

It is crucial that you follow this instruction in order to ensure that your pill works well enough to prevent the unintended pregnancy as desired.

a Detailed Explanation

Dissolving your pill in water before swallowing them can alter the pharmacokinetics of the drug. Pharmacokinetics refers to what the body does to the drug. It involves the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME) of the drug.

One Plan B tablet contains 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. When you swallow it whole, the tablet gets to the stomach, dissolves, and is then absorbed into the bloodstream. Absorption could take place either in the stomach or the intestine. 

When you dissolve the pill, you alter this process. Absorption of the drug may not be complete. It could occur in amounts that are not sufficient to produce the desired effects. Some of the active drugs could be lost on the way down to the stomach by sticking to surfaces along the digestive system. 

Some could potentially be inactivated by enzymes or by the unfavorable internal environment it is being exposed to while journeying down to the stomach.  Losing a significant amount of levonorgestrel can lead to contraceptive failure of which an unintended pregnancy will be the consequence. 

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To prevent this, you have to take the pill as recommended. Swallow it whole with water. Do not crush, split, or dissolve the tablet in fluids other than water. Some juices such as grapefruit juice are known to interact seriously with a lot of medications. 

You may not know which liquid can interact with your pill unless you ask a pharmacist. Hence, to be on the safe side, try to swallow your pill with water.

Methods to Swallow Pills Easily

Woman Sitting in Bedroom By Window and Drinking Water from Carafe

If you are having trouble swallowing your Plan B pill, it could be due to a couple of reasons. Fear or anxiety is one reason why people may not be able to swallow their pill. It can cause a psychological rejection for the whole drug intake process. 

If you suspect that you feel fear or anxiety towards swallowing a pill, it is best to seek professional help. Pill anxiety can hinder you from taking vital medications and not just oral contraceptives. This can have a significant impact on your life if not addressed.

Dysphagia or structural damage to muscles controlling the mouth and throat is another cause of difficulty in swallowing. It is best to always see a health professional to get the cause of your difficulty in swallowing diagnosed and addressed.

Other reasons why people may find it difficult to swallow a pill have to do with the characteristics of the pill itself. Tablets that are too big, bitter, and smell bad can be quite difficult to gulp in. These problems can only be addressed by the drug manufacturer and might be done if significant complaints are made.

Notwithstanding, there are 2 methods you can try to make the swallowing of pills easier. These methods are the Pop-bottle method and the lean-forward method.

The Pop-bottle Method

The pop-bottle method is done by placing the pill on your tongue and then wrapping your lips tightly around the water bottle. You then suck the water out of the bottle, swallowing the pill along with the sucked water in the process. 

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If done correctly, you feel the bottle squeeze in as you suck the water out. This method is recommended for tablets.

The Lean-forward method

The lean-forward method is specifically for capsules of which Plan B is not. However, it can still be useful if you ever experience difficulty swallowing a capsule. 

To use this method, all you need to do is place the capsule on your tongue. Take a sip of water without swallowing the capsule. 

Then bend your head forward by tilting your chin towards your chest. Swallow the water and pill together in this position.  

These two methods have been proven by research to be very effective in making pill swallowing easy to do. The video below shows how both methods are done.

Final thoughts

It is not advisable to dissolve a Plan B pill in water due to the changes it could cause to the absorption and workings of the pill. The recommended method of administration is to swallow the tablet whole with water. Also keep in mind that for Plan B to prevent pregnancy effectively, it has to be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex.


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About the Pharmacist

Pharm. John Mark (BPharm) is a licensed pharmacist with over 6 years of experience spanning clinical, community, and hospital pharmacy settings.

His wealth of experience and expertise makes him your knowledgeable and go-to source for all pharmacy and medication-related questions.

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