Patient care processes Infographic


This patient care processes infographic outlines the critical stages in the workflow of caring for patients. It begins with the Initial Evaluation steps of intake, health history, and vital sign assessment to gain an understanding of the patient’s overall status.

Next, the Medical Consultation phase has providers conducting physicals, ordering tests, and making diagnoses about any illness present.

Treatment Planning follows with details on medications prescribed, therapies selected, and patient education on their condition.

Monitoring and Control involves scheduled follow-ups to gauge patient improvement and modify care regimens accordingly.

Lastly, Support Services are depicted which provide ancillary assistance via offerings like counseling, home healthcare, and medical equipment crucial for facilitating the care journey.

Patient care processes infographic

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Pharm. John Mark (BPharm) is a licensed pharmacist with over 6 years of experience spanning clinical, community, and hospital pharmacy settings.

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